Walking Talkie – Opening Minds on the Go

This is the fourth of a series of guided walks organised by The Open Minds Project. We want to create an opportunity for people to enjoy the outdoors, build community, and learn about local history. This walk will cover the story of the Chattri, a WWI war memorial for Indian soldiers .
FREE – Everyone is welcome, including children who can walk or with a suitable buggy. Registration is compulsory to enable organisers to manage the resources.
Meeting point: At the Ice cream van in Ditchling beacon car park
Location serviced by most Brighton buses. Free parking in Braypool Lane off the A27.
Please bring layers due to temperature and length of time to walk.
Terrain: Inclines (525 ft up)
Additional notes: This is a walk funded by the BME Engagement Fund and includes resources, a drink (water/juice) and a fruit/snack.
Feel free to come along with a packed lunch if you would like to.